Essential Minerals and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is simultaneously a taxing and yet rewarding experience for mothers, both requires attentive attempts of maintaining health and adjusting your children needs inside the womb. Without further care of various substances being consumed on bigger phase of metabolism, chance there are various complications which degenerates into worsening health. One of the most common condition experienced by many mothers is Preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a condition where high blood pressure happened during pregnancy, alongside diluted protein in high amount in your urine or development of decreased thrombocytes which indicates problem in kidney or liver. This complication usually happens during second phase (20 weeks) during pregnancy, with symptoms such as headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, and other symptoms similar with hypertension. Preeclampsia itself is one of the most common complication experiences by pregnant woman, with most mothers managed to deliver healthy baby and recovers. But in Indonesia Preeclampsia became one of the most severe cause of pregnancy deaths with increase of near 25% of total fatalities in 2017 according to Indonesian Ministry of Health.

Although currently there isn’t any concrete reasons for how Preeclampsia happens, there are various hypotheses made in pre-existing conditions such as diabetes mellitus and chronic hypertension that further worsening their condition.

Preeclampisa could also happened by how mothers conduct their lifestyle. Nullipare (Inexperience on giving birth), obesity, old age, genetic, and environmental factors are speculated for various factors that causing worsened condition of Preeclampsia. Further correlation between age and further weight increase that can be stopped earlier becoming one of few attempts to stop the compilation. Another hypothesis to be made is the lack of various substances to absorb proteins and ensure better blood circulation in the body.

Calcium deficiency is one of them, which suspected being the main cause for lack of vascular contraction by intracellular calcium to improve blood pressure. Hence why, supplementing calcium, especially ones which easily digested and diluted by your body could be very important for pregnant mothers.

Calcium is not the only essential minerals that could help prevent pregnancy complications, Magnesium could also helps vascular motor function of your blood vessels to prevent clogging and hypertension. Sodium could also compliments the importance of ensuring hydration of mothers that losing more minerals that absorbs more than just fluids during pregnancy. By consuming these essential minerals clustered under group of electrolytes, mothers could hopefully adjusting their diet and be knowledgeable regarding what their body needs, alongside controlled nutrition intake.

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